Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Quack Quack

These 2 mallards showed up about a week ago feeding under my birdfeeder. They have been coming back 2 or 3 times a day ever since. I live about a 1/2 a mile from the lake, I guess shorter distance by flight.

I've noticed that the male is more cautious than the female. Also the female has quite the appetite. I've been calling the male Curly becuase of the curl of his tail. Don't have a name for the female yet?

1 comment:

mike said...

Following you on Twitter. You have undergone a tremendous transformation! Wow. Great job. I'll definitely recommend this blog to friends- please keep it up. You will be an inspiration to a lot of people. You probably ARE an inspiration now to a lot of people.

( @columbusnet )