Wednesday, January 30, 2008

My other addiction...

Besides my new found running, this is another one of my addictions. To Starbucks benefit, this drink has become an almost daily event for me. Through a lot of experimenting I think I have come up with the most perfect latte from Starbucks.

My drink of choice.

Triple - Grande- Nonfat- 1 Splenda - Latte

Triple - 3 shots of espresso
Grande - Medium
Nonfat- Skim Milk
1 Splenda - Have to have Splenda in the cup before the espresso
Latte - my drink of choice.

I think the extra shot of espresso is a must. I like my coffee strong. For lattes Starbucks uses the same number of shots for a Venti (Large) so thus I order the Grande (Medium). Non-fat milk because Im watching my weight. 1 Splenda gives me just enough sweetness without the sugar and doesnt overpower the coffee taste. I stay away from the flavored Latte. Have you tried the sugar-free flavors. Yuch.

Next time you go to Starbucks give this a try. Also for the warmer months. I switch to an Iced version of the same drink.


RunnerMom said...

Hi, nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping by my blog and a HUGE thanks for saving me $30 at the CMM! I found my 10K training group through a local running specialty store, where I also found my awesome Brooks Radius shoes. Also, local running clubs (if there is one in your area) often have them.
For the half, I've been loosely following a personal training plan I printed free from I wonder how that differs from Jeff G's. I'm jealous you are up to 8 mi. already. I'm tapering for this 10K, otherwise, this would have been my 8-mile week.
Oh, I'm a tall nonfat decaf caramel latte gal.

teacherwoman said...

I sometimes feel like I am not smart enough to drink coffee from Starbucks... just trying to remember everything in my order... and in the right order. I usually stumble on my words and get corrected everytime.

I just stick with my Caribou if I am in the midwest... Starbucks every where else. :)

Happy traveling... and enjoy the book!

Brian said...

I love Starbucks.
My regular is a dark roast with cream and 2 splenda. I like cream and its one thing I can cut out.
